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10 differences between NB IoT smart locks and Wi-FI/BLE smart locks

1. NB IoT smart locks use a licensed secure communication technology built specifically for device to device communications/internet connections, unlike Wi-Fi/BLE and other wireless technologies which are not licenced, and which are built for human to human interactions, and are insecure and have been hacked.

2. Connected NB IoT smart locks have a 2 year battery life, as compared to only 6 months to 1 year for Wi-Fi/BLE smart locks.

3. NB IoT smart locks require no onsite network infrastructure (Wi-Fi/BLE solutions require onsite Wi-Fi infrastructure such as modems, routers, bridges etc).

4. Connected NB IoT smartlocks require no onsite power - all other connected smart locks require onsite power for the Wi-Fi infrastructure as outlined above in point 3.

5. Connected NB IoT smart locks easily integrates with other devices and software with API’s.

6. Connected NB IoT smart access solution works with thousands of locks at thousands of sites in the one management software package - other connected locks cannot handle this, as they have to incorporate different bulky networks on different sites.

7. Most reliable connected smart lock - Wi-Fi/BLE and other wireless technologies have pairing problems, blackspots, problems always connecting, and can take up to ten seconds to unlock. Our smart locks unlock in 1-3 seconds.

8. The technology used in NB IoT smart locks are supported by over twenty of the world’s largest mobile operators, cumulatively worth over $578 billion, who provide communications to over 2.9 billion customers and geographically serve over 90% of the IoT markets in 79 countries.

9. NB IoT smart locks can be offered for cheaper than all other existing smart locks in the marketplace (no supporting network infrastructure as outlined in 3, helps with being able to have lower costs).

10. NB IoT smart locks can be incorporated into any existing electronic lock casing in the marketplace. (Other connected smart locks can not do this as the require separate infrastructure).

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